Second Annual

Actually Writing Writer’s Conference

When: Friday, November 3rd to Sunday, November 5th 2023

Where: Hilton Garden Inn (Milwaukee Airport Location) 5890 South Howell Avenue Milwaukee WI 53207 (Hotel Reservation information coming soon)

Who: You - The Writer

Tired of wanting to write but NOT actually sitting down to write?

This weekend getaway is just for you - A creative gathering for aspiring writers, published authors, screenwriters, poets, bloggers, memoirs, fiction, nonfiction, Christmas cards, and much more.

No Pressure Writing Event

Write as much or as little as you want. No word or page count is required. First-time writers and experienced authors are welcome. Come as you are and write whatever you want at your own pace. There are opportunities to ask questions, learn, have fun, and get the words on the page.

The focus of this event is actually writing

YES - we write DAY and NIGHT, the writing room is open until 10 pm on both Friday and Saturday nights. This doesn't mean we write every moment, we just get to write as much as our hearts desire. This can be an all-out race to get the words on the page - or a leisurely stroll.  It's up to you.

Some segments are in "Shut Up and Write" style; other segments are word sprints (timed writing drills), and creative prompts with plenty of room to get the words onto the page without your inner critic slowing you down. There will be snacks, coffee, and water to keep you energized for this write fest.

Either way, we'll be doing it together, with our writing friends nearby to cheer everyone on.

Other writing conferences keep you so busy with panels and lectures, that you never get time to just write. This conference gives you the time, the people, and the room to actually write. What makes us special is the community we create. Our community keeps you writing, keeps you on track and motivates you to get your words on the page. We have breakout groups, tips and tricks, and small group sessions so we can learn from each other.


A writer’s conference that offers a respite from your daily grind, an escape from the distractions of home. It is an opportunity to write with others that understand the struggle.

We will sit together, writing our darlings alongside other writers. Brief intermissions for hand stretching, coffee, chair yoga, and refueling.

Yes, Breakfast and Lunch are included on Saturday. Optional Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday.